We have been performing validation experiments to validate noninvasive reconstruction of electrocardiographic imaging. In these experiments, we have acquired extensive, simultaneous, in vivo, recordings of body-surface potentials and epicardial potentials. We freely share two data sets, containing the full body-surface geometry (consisting of approx. 140 well-connected body-surface electrodes), the epicardial ventricular surface, and epicardial electrodes (approx. 70 well-connected electrodes). The first data set contains the recording of a sinus beat; the second data set contains recordings of a beat paced epicardially at the left ventricular apex. Some Matlab code provides a demo to illustrate the data. We also provide a software network in SCIrun that allows you to visualize and reconstruct epicardial potentials, based on these data.
To acquire these data sets, please contact me at: m.cluitmans (at) maastrichtuniversity.nl and you’ll receive them by e-mail. Please state your name, affiliation and purpose, and we encourage you to keep us updated on your research with these data. You can also download a subset of these data from the EDGAR repository here.
If you use these data in publications, we require you to cite the following publication:
We hope these data will be fruitful for your research!